VCU Psychiatry: Research Coordinator Position in Eating Disorders

Feb 28, 2025 | Job Postings, Research Assistants

We are hiring a Clinical Research Coordinator to begin in the Translational Research on Eating and Affect (TREAT) Lab this summer (ideally in June 2025) to work on projects investigating the neurobiological and psychosocial mechanisms of eating pathology in young people!

The coordinator will assist with projects investigating the neurobiological and psychosocial mechanisms through which eating pathology is developed and maintained. The current projects leverage cognitive neuroscience methods (computational modeling, fMRI, neurocognitive choice tasks), ambulatory methods (ecological momentary assessment, ambulatory neurocognitive choice tasks), and clinical interviews to study decision-making and learning in adolescents and young adults with binge eating and purging. In addition, the coordinator will gain training in the fundamentals of human subjects research, like ethics, compliance with regulatory guidance (e.g., IRB), and participant recruitment and retention, and assist with implementing these fundamental processes. The coordinator will also help train and supervise undergraduate research assistants and volunteers, as well as maintain and cultivate lab infrastructure and systems. The position is in-person in Richmond, VA, though the coordinator may have some work-from-home days and flexibility. In addition, we strongly prefer someone who could be in the position for at least two years.

This position is a good fit for someone who desires research experience before graduate or medical school, and/or is interested in gaining hands-on experience with the methods my research uses, and/or gaining experience working with adolescents and young adults with eating disorders. Of course, opportunities for independent projects, mentorship, and professional development are part of the position! The Translational Research on Eating and Affect or TREAT Lab is situated within the Department of Psychiatry at VCU, and we have strong collaborations within the VCU SOM (particularly with Pediatric Endocrinology and Sports Medicine) as well as the College of Humanities and Sciences.

For more information and to apply: