2024 SNE Annual Meeting Presenter Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Oral Presentation Requirements:

Each Oral Session is ninety (90) minutes in length including time for Questions and Answers. Kindly ensure that there is ample time for audience participation and discussion during the scheduled session time. Each of the four (4) speakers have 15 minutes to present followed by a short Q&A period once all speakers have presented. The moderator for your session will liaise with your panel to provide introductions and moderate questions.

The meeting room will be equipped with:

  • Lectern microphone and table microphones for Q&A
  • Slide advancer
  • Projector and screen
    • Please use 16:9 slide ratio
    • Make your font size as large as possible for better viewing (24+ font size is recommended wherever possible)
    • When it comes to colour, contrast is important. Text, icons, and other important graphics need to be readable. Use a colour with a different tone/brightness from your background. For example, blue is much darker than yellow. As such, these colors tend to pair well together.

*For more information on how to design an effective presentation slide deck check out this article.

For ease of transition time, it is recommended that each of the presenters load presentations onto one laptop. Please ensure you have the correct connection cables to connect to the LCD projector. Please note, HDMI cables will be provided. If you use a MAC or have a different connection, please provide your own adapters/dongles.


Whova Q&A

Questions following the presentation
If we run out of time in a Q&A, you will be able to ask questions in the Whova platform. There will be a Q&A box within each session page. You will also be able to open a “Discussion Topic” in the Community Section.

Poster Spotlights


Whova Q&A

Questions following the presentation
This session WILL NOT have a Q&A portion. However, you will be able to ask questions in the Whova platform. There will be a Q&A box within each session page. You will also be able to open a “Discussion Topic” in the Community SectionYou will also be invited to ask questions at their poster during the the in-poster session immediately following the Poster Spotlight session.

Poster Spotlight Requirements:

Each Poster Spotlight session is (15) minutes in length and each presentation is only five (5) minutes in length. Please invite the audience to your poster session for any questions. There will be a session moderator who will advise you of the time remaining during your presentation, kindly observe the time restrictions out of respect for other presenters.

The meeting room will be equipped with:

    • Lectern microphone and table microphones for Q&A
    • Slide advancer
    • Projector and screen
      • Please use 16:9 slide ratio
      • Make your font size as large as possible for better viewing (24+ font size is recommended wherever possible)
      • When it comes to colour, contrast is important. Text, icons, and other important graphics need to be readable. Use a colour with a different tone/brightness from your background. For example, blue is much darker than yellow. As such, these colors tend to pair well together.

    *For more information on how to design an effective presentation slide deck check out this article.

All poster spotlight presenters are required to submit their PPT to by Monday October 7th, so the organizers can load all presentations onto one laptop for ease of transition between speakers. 

Remember you only have FIVE (5) minutes to speak during your Poster Spotlight Presentation!

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentation Requirements:

5There are three (3) designated poster sessions, one each day on Friday, Saturday & Sunday (see below). Kindly set up and remove your posters during the allocated poster set up and tear down times so as not to impact other presenters.

Poster Recommendations:

  • Keep text to a minimum
  • Ensure text is in large font
  • Use graphs, charts and/or tables
  • Ensure contents have a logical flow
  • Make it colourful
  • Exact posters should be printed as follows:

The recommended print size is A0 (dimensions in black above; 841 x 1188 mm which is 33-1/8 x 46-13/16 inches.) If you would like to print larger, please ensure it is not bigger than the red dimensions listed above (135cm x 90cm/53 x 35 inches). 

Push pins will be provided for you to adhere the poster to the board. There will be one (1) poster on each side of the poster board.

*Removal of posters at the end of the display period is the responsibility of the author(s). Posters not removed by the deadline will be removed and disposed of by meeting staff. Please note that the posters will be held at the registration desk until the end of the conference after which time they will be recycled.



Whova Q&A Sessions

After the in person poster sessions, if you still have a question, you can use Whova! There will also be a ‘contact’ button under each poster listing, allowing individuals to connect directly with poster presenters at any time to ask questions and start follow-up discussions. 

Poster Session 1: October 11

Set Up: From 08:30

Session Time: 14:00 – 15:30

Tear Down: Please tear down by 16:00

Poster Session 2: October 12

Set Up: From 08:30

Session Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Tear Down: Please tear down by 17:00

Poster Session 3: October 13

Set Up: From 08:30

Session Time: 15:30 – 17:00

Tear Down: Please tear down by 17:30