PhD Position in Psychology at City University of Hong Kong

Aug 13, 2024 | Graduate students, Job Postings

City University of Hong Kong ( QS#62) is inviting you for PhD fellowship applications in social and cognitive psychology at the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The social neuroscience lab focuses on human decision-making and social reasoning with fMRI, EEG and TMS/tDCS.
Preferred qualifications are:

1.  Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Cognitive Science, or related fields. A relevant Master’s degree will be an advantage
2.  Previous experience with design and/or performance of studies in cognitive psychology and/or cognitive neuroscience
3.  Experience in conducting behavioral/EEG/fMRI experiments or data analysis with computational methods
4.  Strong motivation towards research and interest in multidisciplinary research
5.  Good knowledge of English language, both spoken and written.

The application deadline is December 1st, 2024. For further information and application instructions, please contact the PI:  (