We received several submissions from around the world, spanning outstanding interdisciplinary research ideas. We had an independent review committee consisting of people from academia and industry review all applications in a blind manner. We are happy to announce the two winners. Winner: Billy Mitchell, Temple University. “Using Neural Synchrony to Predict Social and Non-Social Decision-Making Under Uncertainty.” Runner up: Jimin Nam, Harvard University. “Calculated Complaints: Understanding Strategic Citations of Discrimination in Customer Service.” Join us for a virtual webinar on Friday, March 15 at noon (EST) to hear about the winning proposals.Look forward to seeing everyone there.

Please use this link to register and access the webinar: https://temple.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkdeqvqz8pHdyJ86amP_oXGoaiYtuyDxaY

Please do not hesitate to  if you have any questions.