PostDoc Position in Decision Neuroscience or Social Neuroscience at Queen’s University (Ontario, Canada)

Jul 24, 2024 | Job Postings, Postdoctoral Students

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to join the Queen’s Neuroeconomics Lab ( The lab is based at Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada (Department of Psychology and the Centre for Neuroscience Studies).

We study social behaviour and decision-making in various domains (e.g., altruism and social norms, dietary behaviour and self-control failures, loneliness and social functioning). To better understand the mechanisms that drive decisions and social behaviour, we employ a variety of techniques (ranging from computer experiments, measures of eye movements, stress markers to imaging of brain structure and function) together with computational modelling approaches (e.g., multivariate pattern analysis, drift diffusion models).


  • Planning and implementation of research projects and analysis of multimodal data (neuronal, physiological, and behavioural data) using computational modelling (e.g., MVPA, DDM)
  • Presentation of research results (in scientific journals, colloquia, and conferences)

Requirements and Skills

  • Excellent master’s and doctoral degree in psychology, cognitive science, biology, computer science, behavioural economics, or an equivalent discipline
  • High motivation and interest in interdisciplinary research
  • Of advantage, but not necessary (will be dependent on the background and level of the applicant):
    • Knowledge of one or more neuroscientific methods (fMRI, TMS, tDCS, EEG, or NIRS) knowledge of eye-tracking
    • Programming experience (e.g., Matlab, Python)
    • Experience in advanced statistical analyses (e.g., machine learning)
    • Knowledge of behavioural modelling
    • Relevant research experience or interest in the field of decision neuroscience, social neuroscience, or neuroeconomics

Please send your application (a short statement of research interests, CV, transcripts, and references) to Prof. Dr. Anita Tusche (). Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions have been filled.

For more information, please contact: Prof. Dr. Anita Tusche ().

Best wishes,

Anita Tusche